We’ve all been in that place where we’ve had to ask the difficult question: “How?”
- How did life get so hard?
- How do I faithfully walk through a season like this?
- How can I feel the weight of darkness and pain while still seeing the beauty and glory of God?
This Lent season, you’re invited to journey with us at NCC as we explore what it means to faithfully ask how. Over the next five Sundays, we’ll be walking through the book of Lamentations - a book that, fittingly, takes its traditional Hebrew title from its first word: “‘Ekhah”, or in English, “how?“ Together, we’ll look at each of the five poems and consider how they speak into our own experiences of asking life’s hard “how“ questions.
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul,
‘therefore I will hope in him.’”
(Lamentations 3:22-24, ESV)
~ Pastor Scott
How The Daily Rhythms Work
Day 1: Listen (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
Purpose: The first day of each week invites you to listen - drawing your attention to God’s truth in Scripture and in your life.
What to do: Take this booklet, a pen/pencil, and your Bible somewhere quiet. Read the key passage slowly several times. Consider the questions and listen to how God speaks into your life.
Day 2: Wait (Psalm 27:14, Psalm 130:5-6)
Purpose: Today, you are invited to simply wait. Waiting creates tension where we trust God has something to teach us.
What to do: Find a quiet, comfortable spot. Light a candle or play worship music. Use the questions as prompts to listen in silence.
Day 3: Stretch (Hebrews 4:12-13, 2 Timothy 3:16)
Purpose: An opportunity to examine your heart and life using God’s truth as a light - a time of challenge and growth, not shame.
What to do: In a quiet spot, read the prompts and be honest with yourself and God. Confess as needed.
Day 4: Care (Psalm 103:13, Colossians 3:12)
Purpose: Think of others - their needs, hurts, and challenges - developing a heart of compassion.
What to do: List specific people and their needs. Pray for them by name.
Day 5: Move (Isaiah 58:6-10, 1 John 3:18)
Purpose: God’s invitation leads to action. Move the week’s reflections into tangible steps.
What to do: Read the challenge in the morning, pray for opportunities, and reflect at day’s end.
Week One: March 9
Day One: March 10 - Listen
Read: Psalm 32
Imagine carrying an unnecessary weight all day. This is what happens to our souls when we don’t lament over sin. David describes in verses 3-4 how silence about sin burdened him. Lament aligns our vision with God’s, leading to freedom.
- What words or phrases stand out to you in Psalm 32? Why?
- How would you describe David’s burden of silence? Have you felt this?
- What does this psalm teach about God’s response to lament?
- Why is it hard to grieve over sin in your life or the world?
- What might freedom feel like if you released unconfessed sin?
- How does lament realign your heart with God’s vision?
- How does David’s “blessed” life compare to culture’s version?
- What might you say to God if you visited lament today?
Day Two: March 11 - Wait
Re-read Psalm 32 slowly, making it your prayer. Spend at least 3 minutes in silence.
- How does waiting help you feel sin’s weight without rushing?
- How might God meet you in silence today?
- Are you tempted to avoid lament’s discomfort? What if you waited?
- How can waiting create space for freedom?
- What burdens do you need to lay before God?
- What might Jesus say about your weight in this silence?
Day Three: March 12 - Stretch
Reread Psalm 32, asking God to reveal where you need refining.
- What sins have you been silent about?
- How has hidden sin affected your soul?
- What sin in the world do you need to grieve?
- How does honesty about sin move you closer to God?
- Lament the sin in your life and world today.
Day Four: March 13 - Care
- How might understanding sin and grace soften your heart?
- Who might be carrying a heavy burden silently?
- How can you lament for someone else today?
- What would extending God’s compassion look like?
- Who needs David’s freedom - how can you pray for them?
- Where do you see sin’s weight in your community?
- Lament the burden on those you love.
Day Five: March 14 - Move
- What would living David’s freedom look like?
- How can this week’s lament bless someone else?
- Can you serve someone you prayed for?
- How can you create an environment for confession?
- What’s one way to create freedom or joy for someone?